Fandom Town, Saturday Morning (Finale Post Part 1!)

Dec 06, 2014 09:13

It would be nice if the team of volunteers who'd taken off for Ingvar were heading unopposed, but nice didn't describe most of the spectres who'd infested the island this week. It definitely didn't apply to the ones who'd been hiding in the Town Hall, spying on their plans. Samara, for instance, had no intention of letting them shut down her source of freedom and toss her back into her cold, dark pit, and she'd broadcast that fact to any ghost on the island who'd listen. They might all be out for themselves, but an army of angry spirits each fighting to protect their own interests -- whether to preserve their well of dark power or to escape in the stolen bodies of the living -- was still an army of angry spirits.

[OOC: The first post, for all your ghost-fighting, possessed-people-herding, sheltering on Holy Ground needs. A post for the Strike Team's adventure, the Kitchen Sink spell, and aftermath will be coming along later!]

docks, conventions, church, causeway

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