Getting a bucket and filling it with salt had been surprisingly easy. As it turned out, even Fosse wasn't a huge fan of the idea of being possessed by interloping ghosts, and Elsa and Cosette were now well armed with all of the salt they could get their hands on after a pit-stop in the school cafeteria for good measure.
Now they were wandering through the preserve, looking for a rowan tree, like the ones that they needed in order to create a
dowsing rod. Finding the tree would be easy enough - the preserve was full of them, after all. The trek itself, on the other hand?
"I'm going to stop jumping at shadows any minute now, I promise," Elsa whispered, fingers holding on, white-knuckled, to the handle of the bucket. "Aaany minute."
[OOC: For the partner in crime, but open preserve is open, if anybody wants to wander in!]