Dite's Decadent Delights, Friday

Oct 03, 2014 08:53

Hey, Irene had done a pretty good job decorating the place. Sparkle couldn't help but grin at the festive, Halloween'y tinsel strung up all about as he reacquainted himself with the layout of the shop.

It wasn't a huge shop. It didn't actually take long. Hell, he'd even had time to do a little dance with the cock (poor rooster, still without a tail) before actually getting to work, putting out a new display of -ahem- toys before deciding that, to add to the festive spirit, he needed to make little witch hats for their -ahem- heads.

So, that was what Sparkle was doing today at Dite's. Making tiny paper witch hats. Not tacky, festive. Totally festive.

It was good to be back.

[OOC: Open! OCD-free!]

sparkle, dite's decadent delights

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