Galactica Point, Early Sunday Morning

Sep 28, 2014 09:57

Edward was in an absolutely foul mood after everything that had happened on Friday - and earlier that week. Bloody Lightwood women really enjoyed talking down to him, didn't they? Well, whatever, he was better than that and he was better than them.

So much better that he'd crept out of his dorm room early in the morning - had Barry even come back last night? He hadn't been paying attention - so he could wander the walls that kept the town high above the sea. Wander all the way down to his favorite part of the island, here, this sticky-out bit that he could hop onto and perch on and feel, for however long he stayed, that he was afloat in the sky above the sea itself.

It calmed him, picked up his mood and took it from 'dismal' to 'contemplative' - surely better.

'Twas a good thing his parents hadn't found their way here. They would never understand this.

[[ open! throughout today, even, though i might be slow ]]

edward kenway, galactica point

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