Sep 27, 2014 13:07
With how Isabelle had been feeling lately, she was hesitant to call anything a good day, because any day could take a wrong turn into feeling like her chest was caving in if she happened to be reminded of the wrong things, but... Isabelle had an okay day happening today. She'd already gotten some training in early in the morning, she had a big, hopefully relaxing sleepover planned with Flick for tonight, and right now she was taking a moment to watch the flamingos in the park, just because they looked pretty and she had nowhere to get to in a hurry. She even wondered idly if a few of their kind could thrive in the rooftop greenhouse back home, although Jace would probably hate them,
Of course, she didn't know yet that her mother was on the island. But, she would find that out sooner or later. Just... not yet. For now, the only thing commanding her attention were the pink birds.
[ooc: Open! Whether it be for bothering Isabelle, or (a little later) Maryse, or for completely un-Lightwood-related park needs!]
isabelle lightwood,