The Beach, Sunday Morning

Jun 01, 2014 13:27

Anyone strolling past the beach this fine Sunday morning would find an odd sight: a kitten, sprawled atop a komodo dragon, a large nexu flopped over on his side next to them.

Occasionally either the kitten or the nexu would stir. Someone would get growled at, or someone would reach out and bat at somebody else's tail.

At which point the komodo dragon would snap his jaws and both felines would crawl back to their assigned spaces.

It was a fine Sunday morning, indeed.

[[ no idea if i will or won't be around this afternoon, but i had to do this. open, both for gawking at the animals and for using the beach for your own ends. ben and cade modded with permission. ]]

cade, beach, ben skywalker, andrew wiggin

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