Taste of Thai, Friday evening

May 23, 2014 15:59

Pinkie had known it was love the first minute she saw him there in the park.

The teal deer didn't have the right kind of sentience to really recognize or appreciate love, but he was well into the fact that Pinkie Pie was very, very bad at shutting up.

". . . So then I said 'That's not my leg!' and the next thing I knew, we were engaged to be married!" She held the door open, her pupils turning to soppy hearts as she watched her new beau make his way into the restaurant. They never broke eye contact. "And, well, you should have seen the gang back in Ponyville trying to get me out of that one. It required, let's see. . . . Twilight's magic; Rarity's gift for fashion; three barrels of apples from Sweet Apple Acres; Fluttershy's badger friends; Discord, Lord of Chaos; Spike's dragon frenemies; Princess Luna; seventeen cherries; six timberwolves; a rubber ducky. . . ."

[eeeeeeeeeeeestablishy, as I just about to run off to my own Friday evening dinner appointment. The romance had to continue somehow.]

pinkie pie, taste of thai

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