The Community Center park, Friday evening

Apr 25, 2014 12:16

Hannibal had had tarps laid down and the pavilion put up before the rain started, and the company assured him they would also have adequate heaters in the event it turned too chilly. When it got closer to time, they set up the tables and place-settings according to his students' instructions ( Read more... )

eliot spencer, hannibal lecter, community center, bruce wayne, sparkle, raven

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Kitchen! never_dull April 25 2014, 16:20:11 UTC
If you're cooking, wandering in, or being nosy - here it is!


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 25 2014, 20:27:00 UTC
Chicken. Chicken... Chicken. Sparkle was going to make the best damn flowery chicken anybody had ever eaten.


And he was going to even manage to resist the temptation to put a spoon of that honey right into his mouth. For charity.


Re: Kitchen! never_dull April 25 2014, 22:07:14 UTC
Hannibal was very good at recognizing self-restraint in the face of temptation. He chuckled and clapped Sparkle on the shoulder in passing. "Don't worry; there will be plenty left over."


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 01:44:08 UTC
"Dude, why didn't you *tell* me about this?"

Maybe because he knew her?


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 01:48:42 UTC
"What part of this?" Sparkle glanced up from where he was cutting chicken. "The fact that I can cook, the whole charity thing, or all the freaking flowers?"

So many flowers, Kenzi. So many.


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 01:51:32 UTC
"Any, all of the above, although I kinda suspected you knew some cooking... what is *up* with the flowers, though?" Kenzi asked, a little mystified. "Accidental shipment?"


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 02:00:19 UTC
"No accident, nah," Sparkle replied. "It's a class thing. Dr. Lecter asked the class for food theme suggestions, and someone piped up with 'flowers,' and lo and freaking behold, apparently eating flowers is actually a real thing people do. Who the hell knew, right?"


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 02:05:12 UTC
"Rich people have some weird food preferences. Although those... flower thingies smell pretty good, really." Kenzi was leaning over and inhaling, seeming happy. "Any time Dr. Lecter's cooking, I'm there, dude. I'm gonna miss that Lithuanian class." Oooo, was that cheese?


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 02:11:41 UTC
Goat cheese, in fact, but Sparkle was fully prepared to smack Kenzi's hand if she made a reach for it.

"This isn't him cooking, you know," he replied. "He's mostly here to give us our final grade and make sure we don't manage to burn down the community centre or something. Anyhow, I missed out on his Lithuanian class. Was it good?"


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 02:14:02 UTC
"Aciu," Kenzi said, in Lithuanian. "Yup, good enough, anyway. We'll see if I keep up with it. The food was *excellent.*"

Cheeeeeese... let your fingers do the walking la la la laaaa....


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 02:17:18 UTC
And that would be Sparkle, reaching out to give her hand a swat.

"Wash those hands before you go picking at anything in the kitchen," he scolded. "We'll have leftovers coming out our goddamn ears, but no getting your dirty hands all over the food."

... Hannibal was rubbing off on him, a little.

"Next time, I'll bite that hand."


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 02:20:19 UTC
"Fiiiiine," Kenzi huffed, popping up to go sanitize the heck out of her hands. Well, she had been touching money. That was lovely stuff for her, but some people thought it was grubby. "Leftovers, nom nom nom. So who's the charity for, anyway? I didn't see the name out there before I ducked in here."


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 02:24:19 UTC
"I dunno, some Wayne Foundation thing," Sparkle replied with a shrug, grabbing another knife and cutting off a piece of cheese to pass Kenzi's way. "I guess they give money to, like, every charity under the sun. Whatever Mr. Wayne figures is worth throwing money at, anyway."


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 02:30:03 UTC
"Ohhh, Brucie boy. He comes into Caritas sometimes." Not that she called him that to his face. "Yeah, he's all about the give-back." Nom nom nom tasty cheese! "Although, ya know, I haven't talked him into handing over millions to me yet."


Re: Kitchen! myownface April 26 2014, 03:30:26 UTC
"Obviously he doesn't know the real charity cases when he sees them," Sparkle teased, grinning a little as he got back to cutting the chicken. "Are you taking care to look pathetic enough? Sad little orphan eyes and everything?"

Yes, he did take a moment to demonstrate.


Re: Kitchen! regretiz4suckas April 26 2014, 03:33:08 UTC
"Awwwwwwwww!" Kenzi grinned and nibbled the cheese some more. "He just tells me he knows I have a job. Which, you know, serving him drinks, kinda obvious. Sadly. You, though, you could convince him to send you to... oh hey, food school!"


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