Coffee was a need. Just a normal morning need to start with, but after the third time Bo inhaled tinsel as she walked down the street, it became a MIGHTY NEED. Like, a Thor-level MIGHTY NEED. Like a If People On This Island Are Going To Survive Any Encounter With Me Today There Had Better Be Caffeine And/Or Naked Thor And I Don't See Him Anywhere In The Immediate Vicinity MIGHTY NEED.
Yet another lungful of shiny silver strips right in front of the weird new vending machine outside the Perk so Bo had to grab onto it just to keep from falling on her ass in a coughing fit? Not a MIGHTY NEED.
"Do not tip or rock. Machine will not dispense free pro--"
Super-strength punching said weird new vending machine, though, that was a MIGHTY NEED. Maybe not Thor-level, but close.
"Da fucque?" Bo said to the
gun that fell out into her hand.
That was French for I have a REALLY MIGHTY NEED for a triple peppermint mochaccino right now.