The Beach, Saturday morning

Nov 03, 2012 10:11

A body washed up onto the beach. As the waves slapped his face a little more, the body started to stir again.

Bruce didn't remember this - he didn't remember ANYTHING - but there had been an accident on his yacht. He hit his head and fell overboard. He checked his pockets and did find his drivers license, so he figured his name out quickly. But those pockets brought up other questions. Like 'Why did he have multiple wedding rings in his pocket?' Or 'Why was there a new wedding ring on his hand, with a date of last Saturday engraved on the inside along with 'The one I've been searching for. And this time, I mean it.'

Bruce had mysteries to investigate. Who was Bruce Wayne? Who was this wife? What was the deal with the other rings? How would anyone explain his dry clothes in a future scene when he didn't know where he lived or where his clean clothes were? He needed to find out the answers to all of these, so he started wandering back towards civilization.

[OOC: Bruce continued his serial marrying from last year, but he doesn't remember any of this now. If you would like to claim one of those wedding rings, just go for it!]

beach, bruce wayne, karolina dean, cara, rilla blythe

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