The Park, Saturday Afternoon

May 19, 2012 20:48

There was a pony with a green-white-grey colour scheme and an electrical current symbol for a cutie mark in the park, carefully carrying a lighter and a packet of cigarettes in its mouth. Sarah hadn't wanted to set her flat on fire, thanks. It had seemed like a better idea to head out before even trying to have a smoke. Of course, just trying to get out of MCA, let alone her apartment, had been absolutely bloody ridiculous, but she'd managed. She hadn't even begun to think about how this smoking thing was going to work, though. She'd get to that in good time.

Or right now. She stopped by a bench and carefully dropped the cigarettes and the lighter on it. And now, now she was thinking about her next dilemma.

"... Right."

Glancing around, she wasn't sure anyone would be willing to help a pony smoke, but anyone citing animal cruelty related ethical reasons for not helping was going to get kicked into the pond.


tyrion lannister, yakko warner, sherlock holmes, atton rand, park, electroclash

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