The Boards, Saturday, All Day

May 19, 2012 09:46

This morning when Jono had woken up, after the inevitable falling flat on his face that he'd done in an attempt to get out of bed on two legs, and after that his attempt to run a coffee maker without benefit of opposable thumbs, he'd let out a stream of curse words that would have made a sailor blush. Or possibly Wolverine.

Look, without coffee in his system, the realization had taken a while to sink in, okay?

It had taken a bit of effort, but he eventually did manage to make it downstairs. It involved backing up slowly down the steps, because, no, there was no way in hell he was going to attempt to take them headfirst today. And he even managed the doorknob, though it was more than a touch frustrating, and he found himself telling himself before noon that he was going to start going to bed with his sonic collar on, too. This was, after all, a bit absurd.

His shift at the Boards today was going to be spent glowering at the paperwork he couldn't do, and at the music equipment he couldn't set up, and... There were posters he should finally hang, but there was no way in hell he was going to put thumbtacks into his mouth. Sigh.

The Boards were open, only a little late while Jono figured out how the hell to unlock the front door. And that was going to have to do.

[And OCD-free! Whee!]

boards, jonothon evan starsmore, deadpool

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