The Perk, Sunday Morning

Apr 01, 2012 10:07

Jack's perfectly peaceful weekend day of errand-running had been interrupted by not one, but two phone calls from Fandom along the lines that he should get to the island now. That the day after prom had decided he didn't need to be on the island to become a parent for a day ( Read more... )

elphaba thropp, karla, parker, jack priest, isabel evans, perk

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Comments 332

tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 14:26:46 UTC
Really, Papa, you ought to know better by now.

What better way to say hello than to sail into the Perk, all dressed identically, to claim their caffination for the morning?

(This time, the baristas did cower. Wimps.)

"Bonjour, papa!" Overly cheerful? Perhaps.


bitten_notshy April 1 2012, 14:29:21 UTC
"Bonjour," Jack answered, looking from girl to girl. He seemed a bit dazed by it. "There ... really are three of you."

And he really was not very witty this morning.

"Is your Mama about yet?"


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 14:43:06 UTC
"No, she's muttering about delusions and midterms and most decidedly throwing up her shields - and turning off her phone - and ignoring us," Annika sulked. "We've called Miss Kerrigan to make her listen."


bitten_notshy April 1 2012, 14:50:19 UTC
"Good luck with that," Jack muttered. He'd never met a force that could make Emma Frost do anything she didn't want to do; perhaps Sarah Kerrigan was that force. And if she wasn't -- well, Jack wouldn't mind being able to point out that she'd left him to deal with their teenage triplets.

That wasn't an immediate problem, anyhow. He shook his heads, gestured for the girls to join him at the table.

"Would you be willing to tell me which of you is which?" he asked. They all looked like older versions of Annika to him.


hasvampdaddies April 1 2012, 14:37:46 UTC
The next teenager to slip in didn't lead to any special cowering; somewhere he'd picked up the trick of arriving at a place and making it seem as though he'd always been there.

It went with vampire guardians.

"Hello, Jack," he said, before switching to French. //I think last time I was here, Annika had me call you Papa.//


bitten_notshy April 1 2012, 14:45:22 UTC
"Felix," Jack said, bracing himself. "English here, please. The last time you were here, you were ... seven?"


hasvampdaddies April 1 2012, 14:55:49 UTC
"Near enough," Felix agreed, with a sigh as he settled into his second language. His birth records had been lost in the wars, along with his parents: His exact age was a matter of some guesswork. "Sorry for the shock I gave you, by the way. I didn't quite understand how you didn't know all the same things I did."


bitten_notshy April 1 2012, 17:46:21 UTC
"You gave me a few worried nights," Jack admitted, studying Felix. "But -- I suppose whatever happened to me there, can't happen to me here. Whatever comfort that is."


collinommy April 1 2012, 16:43:16 UTC
And some teens... well, some teens just wanted their morning coffee, damn it, and wanted to beat their siblings and parents to the perk before the rest of the family could order the espresso beans into extinction.

So, Collin was walking in, looking for all the world just happy to be on this mini vacation to the island, and contemplating the menu board with his wings folded comfortably at his back.

Not unlike his father, he had half a mind for a double Americano.


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 16:47:12 UTC
"Nommers, what the hell is on your face?" A voice demanded, and a pair of arms draped themselves over his shoulders to try and cover his eyes. It was hard, what with the wings, but Amélie had practice. "I want something with frosting."


collinommy April 1 2012, 16:54:04 UTC
And even if Collin couldn't place the identity of the triplet by her voice alone, there was a practised set of arms around him and a girl who knew his nickname, and so help Nommy, that was good enough for him.

"And if I get you something with frosting, will you get on my case about my facial hair, too?"

It was facial hair, damn it. Not a blond marsupial of some sort, like people kept insisting it had to be.


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 16:55:58 UTC
"IF you get me something with frosting, I may not nag you quite as hard about that crime against nature." Compromise. Mostly. Even if it was a damn marsupial that was clearly plotting something sinister.


basketbrat April 1 2012, 16:48:39 UTC
"I'll have a grande half-skim half-soy caramel latte," Kyle said, stepping up to the counter.

Which he couldn't properly see over. Because he was nine. So, no, Kyle, you were not getting coffee. The barista looked down and, after a moment and a raised eyebrow, handed him a bottle of apple juice instead.

"... Fine," Kyle said, handing over a couple of crumpled bills, "but this is just because you're part of the econo-corporate establishment."


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 16:51:49 UTC
"Oh. My. God. Can you be even more lame, even for a midget?"

Annika Priest, ladies and gentlemen. Possessing all the tact of her mother.


basketbrat April 1 2012, 16:55:25 UTC
Kyle adjusted his glasses and looked up at Annika. "Actually, I'm neither lame nor a midget," he pointed out. "Both my legs work fine, and my height is a product of my age, not a medical condition."

He held out one hand. "Kyle Bolton-Evans-Danforth. I don't suppose you've seen any of my fathers around? You may have heard of them, but they adopted me before they were famous."

Yes, Annika. He just pulled an 'I knew them before they were big.' About his adoptive fathers.


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 17:01:10 UTC
"Well, little boy, let me elucidate for you," she said sweetly. "No, I don't, and I don't care. About any of it."

"Hipsters are disgusting, for the record. And no one cares about who's raising you, unless it's to put them in jail for child endangerment." No, she wasn't going to shake your hand. You probably hadn't washed it in a week because water was an endangered resource or something utterly trite like that.


asgardcreated April 1 2012, 17:40:40 UTC
Jon was going through his usual Sunday routine, a run around the island followed by breakfast at the Perk. He was just a little later than normal because he had spent most of the night manfully bitching on the phone with Danny.

"A grande mochacuinno and one of those whole wheat chocolate chip muffins," he told the barista as he checked his phone for messages.

[[feel free to mess with his head!!]]


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 18:10:01 UTC
"Oh, god, why?" A voice asked from one of the tables, and Christiana looked up from her drink. "Whole wheat? Really? Is everyone here disgustingly healthy and wholesome?"


asgardcreated April 1 2012, 18:52:26 UTC
Jon just looked up and grinned. "Only for breakfast, because they put extra chocolate in the whole wheat ones." Which defeated the 'healthy' part.

"If it helps, I was planning on a heart attack burger for lunch."


tri_psi_lupi April 1 2012, 21:07:16 UTC
"Oh, good, then the stone ages aren't completely inept," she answered, clutching her caffeine even more tightly. "You people don't even have espresso machines in the walls of the dorms."


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