Chilly Boulder - Afternoon

Jan 21, 2012 19:09

Jake hadn't really meant to start counting the months, but Caroline's insistence to take it one milestone at a time had made him all too conscious of every milestone that ticked by. They were at nine months now and while that hardly warranted a huge celebration, he didn't want to just sit in her room the whole day either. He wanted to do something normal and Monday's class had stuck in his head.

Which meant that Jake was dragging Caroline through the rain and into town to eat ice cream. Never mind that this wasn't a warm summer holiday and they weren't in Venice. (Or had that been Florence? Um, some Italian city.)

"I think we should get a sample of all the flavours they've got," he announced once he closed the door behind him, shutting out the rain and wind.

[Jake is here for Caroline, but Chilly Boulder is open to all.]

caroline forbes, jacob black, chilly boulder

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