Outside the store, a red-eyed wren with wicked-looking teeth hurled itself against the glass repeatedly. Hank was pretty sure birds shouldn't look like that.
The bird had followed Hank to the store this morning, and only the cleverly-executed maneuver of holding a piece of cardboard over his head had saved Hank from being scratched or bitten. That piece of cardboard, his
HankCo. sign, was looking a little the worse for wear, but it was still proudly occupying a position of honor on the store counter.
Apu was restocking shelves as if nothing was wrong, but Turtle wouldn't come out of his shell, and Jane was fluttering around her cage and cheeping frantically. The panda didn't seem to have come in today.
...Something was odd. Mysteriously odd! Hank was anxious to investigate!
Today's Squishy Flavors: Gray, Gray, Red Gray