Mystery Sign Theatre 3000, Wednesday

Jun 29, 2011 14:38

Kate had been away for an entire week, repressing the hell out of the reasons she'd wanted to bolt in the first place. And it had worked. She'd genuinely had fun just hanging out with Bod and her family and unpacking and organizing their room and all the other silly stuff.

But however good she'd felt while away, it all dissolved soon enough once she'd made it to work. She felt on edge, not quite as badly as she had for most of her shift last week, but still twitchy enough to be constantly fiddling with some of the concessions (as if they weren't neat enough) or playing around on her phone (as if she was actually planning to text or call anyone).

Occasionally sneaking in to watch the movie on show today soothed her somewhat, though she had no real idea why. Lord knows a summer blockbuster wasn't meant to do that, but she wasn't going to question it. She'd take anything she could get.

Emerald Torch

MST3000 was open for business.

mst3000, kate gregson, hannibal king

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