Long-Term Finance [Community Center, evening]

May 26, 2011 10:58

"Good evening," Jack said, grinning at the assembled group before tugging a chest out from behind the desk. Eric rolled his eyes--Jack had absolutely refused to let him look inside or even know where he'd gotten it. "We're going t' explore the importance of easily portable income tonight."

He knelt down and opened up the lid of the trunk, revealing it to be jammed full of gold coins and jewelry. "Namely, identifying the most valuable gems. Personally, I like emeralds, rubies, and gold--" which was fairly obvious by the chest "--but I've provided a variety of other stones as well fer ye t' get used to."

His eyes glittered at them. "And I know exactly how much I've brought with me, so please avoid the temptation of letting any of this stick t' yer fingers or clothing on yer way out, savvy?"

"Strangely enough, the pirate makes a good point about gems," Eric added. "They are extremely valuable and easy to slip in your pocket if you need to move locations quickly." He strode around the room, passing out handouts. "Pair up and try to identify the gems we put in front of you."

eric northman, community center, kate gregson, jack sparrow, cc class: finance

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