If it wasn't already clear that something odd was happening on the island, anyone passing the pool hall slash bowling alley would have to have a Somebody Else's Problem field the size of Cleveland to miss it.
Outside, a floating wall of brick-blocks had appeared beside the main entrance, and the sidewalk around and beneath it swarmed with little brown mushroomy things and what looked like dog-sized turtles. Some of the creatures slowly plodded back and forth, some took short fluttery jumps into the air with the aid of stubby white wings, and a couple of the mushrooms were bouncing around the doorway in what looked for all the world like a giant green boot with a wind-up key stuck in the side of it.
The commotion wasn't just on the street, though. Within, the familiar sounds of pins being knocked over were accompanied by a whizzing, sliding noise, the occasional scream of pain, and a raucous, incoherent cheering that was much more frequent, every time someone got a strike.
It was Gremlin League Day, and Bob's team, the Bitemehards, had just discovered Bowling With Koopas.
[Open wide! Just a little moddable playground, open for your creature-stomping needs! Everything including the gremlins are moddable, but if you lean in the NPC direction, the request post is