Mooby Land: Friday, Breakfast/Lunch Changeover, aka 4th Period

Apr 01, 2011 01:06

No, Edmund wasn't in the wrong place and neither was this post; there was an incredibly direct note taped to the classroom door pointing his Dealing With Idiots students this way.

He also wasn't wearing one of the lovely purple uniform shirts stacked on the table beside him, and as for the hats... well. You couldn't pay him to put one of those on.

Just in case that wasn't obvious, he opened with a subtle allusion to that very fact: "You couldn't pay me to put one of those hats on." See? Subtle. "If you've any sense at all, the same is true for you."

Blackadder smiled somewhat evilly. Well.... not evilly, not really. Just bastardly. Evil took more effort than he cared to expend. "Luckily for us all, I'm not paying you; I'm just ordering you. Welcome to the Real World, and I don't mean that programme where they shove a bunch of spoiled twenty-somethings into a flat for six weeks and interview them on the commode about the previous week's adventures in fornication. I'm talking about the service industry. Today, half of you will be wearing the pointier and less dangly bits of a cow on your heads, while the other half try as hard as possible to make your lives completely miserable while ordering food from you."

All right, maybe he was a little evil. "The place is also open to the public, so you'll have to deal with any real idiots who wander in."

[OOC: Open! Post is for Dealing With Idiots class and anyone else who wants to traipse in and make their lives hell by ordering a Super McDuper McMoobity Meal with no bun, ranch dressing on the side, extra ice in the Diet Coke and a mini-moob meal toy without the mini-moob meal.]

karla, mooby land, rikku, alex karev, jacob black, wesley wyndam-pryce, edmund blackadder, jonothon evan starsmore, makita, squall leonhart, medusalith amaquelin, jack sparrow, elizabeth stonem, rilla blythe

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