The Park | Afternoon | Saturday | March 19

Mar 19, 2011 09:00

Hannibal hadn't counted on being back on the island so soon. In fact, he'd been perfectly content to hole up in Abigail's spare room, eating Ramen noodle and letting his own guilt overwhelm him until he eventually withered away from old age.

Of course, that hadn't happened so he was back. It kind of sucked that it was overcast so he couldn't sit in the sun but Hannibal figured that not showing up at all because of that would have been worse than showing up and sitting underneath a cloudy sky. He'd just let other things prove that he wasn't who he had been anymore.

Despite the overcast day, he was wearing sunglasses because he wasn't quite sure what was going to greet him and he could hide a lot this way. There was a cold coffee in one hand and Hannibal was slouched back on the bench, eyes up on the clouds and feet stretched out in front of him. Clouds or not, he still loved being out during daytime hours.

[Hannibal's here mostly for two people but this is an open post so feel free to ping in!]

kate gregson, john mitchell, park, hannibal king

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