The Graveyard | Afternoon | Thursday | February 3

Feb 03, 2011 10:56

As Bod's restlessness had grown, he'd noticed he'd taken to spending more time in the graveyard. Whether it was just walks through the aisles of headstones or longer periods spent brooding in one particular area, being in the graveyard made his life seem a little less chaotic.

Despite the cold, Bod was in the graveyard today. In fact, he was actually laying flat on his back on the ground, holding a book up and reading it leisurely. It was the time first time he'd had enough focus to read in a few days and he was taking advantage.

He hadn't thought about how it looked to be laying down in the middle of the graveyard and he really didn't care either. He wasn't dead. He was just taking advantage of the environment to relax. That's all.

[Post is open if you're one to hang out in a graveyard]

nobody owens, graveyard

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