Our Lady of Fandom [Tuesday afternoon]

Jan 18, 2011 00:01

While the snow might have been coming down in ridiculous (to Sookie) amounts, it hadn't been that hard for her to get to the church to set up for the memorial. Granted, not everyone had the benefit of an ice-manipulating boyfriend, but she was pretty sure people would come, still, anyway ( Read more... )

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Comments 220

Arrive justwantsquiet January 18 2011, 05:04:17 UTC
And mingle, if you feel so inclined. It's probably warmer that way.


Re: Arrive weetuskenraider January 18 2011, 05:28:29 UTC
Tahiri was in Raven's debt for what Raven had done to help mentally heal her; she hadn't forgotten that, so there wasn't even a question of her coming to the service, blizzard or not.

She was dressed in her best Jedi robes, new lightsaber clipped to her belt; her expression was stoic -- she'd lost enough friends in her seventeen years and that in its own way was sad -- but, she hoped, no less compassionate for that restraint.


Re: Arrive momslilassassin January 18 2011, 16:29:53 UTC
Ben slipped quietly into the pew next to her and reached for her hand. This was his first time in a church for a funeral and an analytic part of him was wondering how it would be different from the bonfires he was used to.


Re: Arrive weetuskenraider January 18 2011, 16:45:10 UTC
Tahiri looked over and managed a tiny smile as she squeezed his hand back; she'd been wondering the same thing, of course.

Lots of people here, huh? she sent.


Say Goodbye justwantsquiet January 18 2011, 05:04:54 UTC
Go visit the picture of Raven. Pay your respects.


Re: Say Goodbye swordsandsoccer January 18 2011, 14:10:28 UTC
"I don't know if you are one of St. Nicolaas," Dolf began. He felt a little ridiculous, for two reasons; first, he'd had trouble deciding on whether to go here or not, suddenly again too conscious of all the children who had never gotten a proper burial, whose deaths had numbed him. Why should anyone else get this kind of extravagance?

But that was a stupid thought, and he chastisised himself for it. He'd buried Carolus too, after all.

Second of all, though, he felt silly and more awkward than usual doing this in English. He sighed, and licked his lips, and started in with his native tongue instead. "Maar hij gaf altijd bescherming aan lijdende kinderen, en hoop aan ieder die dat nodig had. Ik hoop dat hij ook voor jou klaarstaat...*"

He talked a little more, but not much. He didn't need to say much. Maybe some of it had been for the children, too, and not just the one they'd most recently lost.

[[ 'but he always gave protection to suffering children, and hope to all who needed it. I hope he'll be there for you too'. /nerd ]]


Re: Say Goodbye likes_chicken January 18 2011, 14:35:56 UTC
"Hey," Hurley said, more comfortable addressing a stand-in for his friend than he ever wished he'd be. He'd done it a lot on the other island.

"You got really lousy timing, you know?" His voice quavered a bit. "I was gonna come back, visit with everybody. Tell you all about the other island, and Claire that looks like Tahiri, and Vincent the dog, and Kate who can't make up her mind about guys, and Charlie."

That got him started. The tears started to trickle down his cheeks, his face contorted in sadness.

"You see a guy, up there where you guys are? All shaggy hair, maybe singing a dumb song about 'you all, everybody'? You guys should probably hang out. Some of the best friends I ever had. You've got a lot in, in common." He'd started to sob a bit, and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "I was counting on you to fill me in on Rumour Gal, so I'd know what Hoshi was talking about. I'm, I'm gonna miss you, Raven."

And that was all Hurley could say, but he stood there for another moment, just looking into the picture of his lost


Re: Say Goodbye life_inshadow January 18 2011, 15:09:06 UTC
Tara stood before the photo for a long moment before she reached out to lightly touch the frame.

"Hi," she said softly. "I ... I'm sorry, Raven. I knew something was wrong and I got so scared of bothering you, or you th-thinking I was picking on you, and you kept saying it was nothing and ... I wanted to believe you. I shouldn't have let you slip away. And I should have been strong enough not to -- not to --"

She didn't finish the sentence. Not to get possessed? not to lead their friends into killing Raven? If Raven could hear her, she knew what was meant.

"I b-believe you've gone someplace peaceful," she finished. "And I hope s-someday I see you again. Goodbye."

And then she turned away.


Eulogies justwantsquiet January 18 2011, 05:05:26 UTC
For those who want to say a few words.


Re: Eulogies onlysmokesnics January 18 2011, 16:09:46 UTC
It was a bit ironic, in a multiverse sense. Harley Quinn eulogizing a Teen Titan. But Hayley stood, wishing to say something. It may have been still processing for her, the stress was making her want to just start laughing to lighten the horrible mood, but she swallowed down that mad laughter that was trying to spring out of her ( ... )


Re: Eulogies ancientbschamp January 18 2011, 16:36:00 UTC
Gabrielle, out of weather-based necessity as well as a sense of decorum (yes, she had one), was wrapped in a plain grey wool cloak when she stepped up to the front of the church and began to speak. She'd only spoken to Raven a few times, and other than that knew her mostly from Support Reserves meetings and everything she'd heard from Karla, but . . . she was a bard. Gathering stories and passing them on was what she did ( ... )


Re: Eulogies glacial_witch January 18 2011, 18:38:32 UTC
Karla had been trying to figure out what to say since she'd gotten Sookie's email. But she couldn't come up with anything that didn't sound trite or stupid or empty. 'Raven was my friend?' Why else would she be there? 'I'm so sad right now?' Also, water wet and snow cold.

So it was with some trepidation that Karla stepped up, worried that she wouldn't be able to do more than stare blankly at the crowd.

"For the first fifteen years of her life, Raven wasn't allowed to understand or feel emotions. There were several reasons for this, mostly because of the world where she grew up--" Karla wasn't about to go into why Azar had made that rule, thanks much, "--and when she arrived, in the same shuttle I did, the unrestrained emotions of Fandom confused her at first. Scared her. Shocked her, even. But fifteen years of calm and discipline couldn't stand against her heart. She was eager to learn, to understand, to experience--even those emotions she knew she should fear and avoid, because to be wonderfully, beautifully, fallibly human is to ( ... )


OOC [01/17/11] justwantsquiet January 18 2011, 05:07:56 UTC
You guys have no idea how weird it is to post OCD for a memorial like it's OCD for a birthday party. It only helps a LITTLE that she's not really dead. *FEELS GUILTY*

Anyway -- I'm at work until 4:30 or so, kids, but I'm leaving comments on because I get bored at work and apparently sobbing incoherently will be the better option. IDK.

Again -- this whole memorial is NFB, to keep this plot from affecting characters who wouldn't necessarily want or need to know about another character's death! (Even if she will get better, omg.)


Re: OOC [01/17/11] trigons_child January 18 2011, 13:04:03 UTC
YOU feel weird? Try being the...well, "guest of honor" doesn't work since she's not there. ;)


Re: OOC [01/17/11] batwaffles January 18 2011, 14:12:36 UTC
Yeah, I'm here four times. NEVER DOUBT I LOVE YOU, NIC. :P


Re: OOC [01/17/11] trigons_child January 18 2011, 14:20:57 UTC
I'm getting verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.


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