Fixer-Uppers, Monday

Jan 17, 2011 07:31

Ender listened to radio every day, despite the large amount of mostly apocryphal information it provided. It wasn't in his nature to pass up on a source of information. As such, he'd managed to come to the conclusion something terrible had happened while Karla was gone.

And that she was grieving about something. He wasn't sure his presence would be the most comforting thing at the moment.

Still, it meant he was burying himself less in his work than he had been a few days ago. The sun was shining outside, which made it a little harder to dwell on anything, too. In the end, he might have even spent some time sitting on the steps of the store, looking up at the sky, and thinking.

[[ open! ]]

hyuuga hinata, andrew wiggin, sparky

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