The Graveyard, Sunday Morning

Jan 02, 2011 13:49

When Kate had woken up today she'd only been sure of one thing: she was not going to the welcome picnic. She'd tried the party thing once this week, and it hadn't been a success. It wouldn't be one today either, not with the way she was feeling.

After talking to Mitchell and Bod yesterday, she'd gone back to the room she shared with Bobby, made sure the door was locked, and promptly passed out on her bed, to be woken up only in the evening by Mitchell's message. There may have been tears after that, but she wasn't really sure anymore. Truth be told, everything about yesterday was a little fuzzy in her memory. Like, she could remember the kinds of things she'd said to Bod (and gotten back), but not really any actual words. It was all muddled by how exhausted she'd been.

It was that exhaustion that had had her sleeping through the night even after that multihour nap. And today, she'd felt awake and clearheaded but empty, and she'd been struck by a whim that had now led her to the graveyard in town, with a small bunch of flowers in hand. If she couldn't find a place designated for leaving flowers and candles in remembrance of people buried elsewhere, she was just going to find a headstone with a vaguely appropriate name, or just a good name, or -- or something. Wasn't like who she was trying to mourn was even buried anywhere.

Snow got into her boots as she waded through it, but she didn't care.

[ooc: Post is open, yes yes.]

kate gregson, graveyard

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