Caritas- Saturday

Dec 11, 2010 15:36

Tino opened Caritas like he had been all week, but once Jaina got back from where goblins and robots roamed around, she went home long enough to clean up and then came into work a little late. As in, she was still sporting damp hair when she showed up. Like she owned a hair dryer ( Read more... )

anakin skywalker, bruce wayne, caritas, leia organa, jaina solo

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Bar solo_sword December 11 2010, 23:37:04 UTC


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 00:42:04 UTC
After the day he had, Bruce figured he could do with a visit to the bar when he knew a robot-stabber was running the bar.

"Good job earlier," Bruce said as he took a seat at the bar. His utility belt was already locked up elsewhere, so he wasn't wearing it now. "I'm almost surprised to see you coming in to work after that, though."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 00:44:57 UTC
"You didn't do such a bad job yourself," she smiled. "I'm not hurt and I'll sleep when I get home. Why shouldn't I come in?" It was mostly a rhetorical question.


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 00:46:47 UTC
"I can't argue with that," Bruce said. "I've never fought a giant robot before. Fandom really does provide unique learning experiences."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 00:49:50 UTC
She paused, thinking back. "I've never fought a giant robot, either," she realized. Yes, she had to think about it. "What can I get you?"


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 00:57:45 UTC
"Ginger ale," Bruce said. "Who would have thought that a sword that can cut through anything would be useful against one of those?"

Bruce didn't have a problem with sarcasm at this point, no.


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 01:02:48 UTC
"I know, it was a total shock," she deadpanned. "I'm really just glad it worked."

Speaking of which, once she'd poured his drink, she slid the glass over to him via the Force. Just because she'd been without powers for a week.


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 01:08:04 UTC
"So you were one of the people affected by the lack of powers?" Bruce asked. "It's times like this that I appreciate not having any. This way I didn't have to deal with losing them."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 01:17:41 UTC
"I was. But only certain powers were gone," Jaina said. "I could still sense trouble, but couldn't use my powers to defend myself at all. It got really annoying, oh, immediately."


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 01:22:23 UTC
"I can imagine. Still, I doubt you got this far in life without knowing how to defend yourself without them," Bruce said before taking a sip of his drink. "Case in point, earlier today."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 01:25:54 UTC
"I'd feel like I was cheating if I didn't," she admitted. "You seemed pretty prepared back there."


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 01:31:59 UTC
"I live by the Boy Scout motto: be prepared," Bruce said. "Not that I was ever a Boy Scout. It's just good advice."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 01:33:29 UTC
"In that case you would have been a fantastic boy scout." Because really, that was some gear.


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 01:39:18 UTC
"Thanks," Bruce said. "And I didn't even get a chance to use any of my explosives since we were inside for most of that."


Re: Bar solo_sword December 12 2010, 01:40:34 UTC
"Yes, thank you for not trying that," she said quickly. "What kinds of explosives?"


Re: Bar willbethenight December 12 2010, 01:42:50 UTC
"Nothing too impressive. Just some things I picked up from the Demolitions class," Bruce said. After a moment's reflection, he said. "Some of the less dangerous things. No fireworks or big explosions."


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