It was probably a good idea if no one asked Mitchell how he'd even gotten this idea in the first place. The point was that after several weeks stuck in Bristol, watching new fledgeling vampires wake up for the first time, he needed a distraction, and this seemed like a really good idea. Considering the timing, and all that
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Okay, maybe he looked like he was feeling a little bit of antici-
-pation. Even if he wasn't in costume. He really wasn't a corset kind of guy.
She held up the bra and slip for Jono to investigate.
"Squall's has some kind of shiny underwear," she said. "I'd think they were costumes, but most of it's missing."
She lowered her voice. "Is this really all there is to mine?"
She wasn't all that modest, surprisingly enough, but she didn't want to saunter into the theater wearing half of Queen So-and-So's Dress From Act 3 and have everyone think she was a crazy person.
//I'm not exactly th'golden underwear type,// he pointed out. //But yes, that is all there is to yers. One of th'main characters spends most of th'show in that, more or less.//
Lucky Rinoa!
Please help her convince Squall to wear it? Pleeeeeeeease?
"Okay, then I'll put it on," she decided. "Isn't there another character you could be? There have to be other people, besides the half-naked two and the maid."
It was kind of a slutty maid costume, at that. Rinoa approved.
//Th'butler, I suppose. Not as exciting as some of the other characters, really, but at least his chest's covered.//
Which probably said a great deal about the fine entertainment that they were about to take in, didn't it?
"Is this movie about some kind of orgy?" she asked. Look, she didn't know. But if it was a rarity for the butler to be clothed, and considering what everyone else was (or wasn't) wearing ... it didn't seem like such a bad guess.
She straightened up with a decided nod. "Okay," she said. "You go get a butler costume, and I'll make Squall wear the shiny underwear."
Arm-twisting? Another specialty.
//But then, even he doesn't button up his shirt...//
Oh, Jono. Stop that.
Squall was unaware that he was going to be wearing underwear. That was probably partly responsible for it.
Freddie, who didn't like his teddy.
//Far easier. I already have t'leather, and a jacket that I can mangle by removing th'sleeves... Blue jeans. Paint on a lobotomy scar...//
He squinted a little.
//How long before th'show?//
Rinoa was not going to ask. Maybe it was better in context.
"About half an hour," she said, figuring it was best to just answer his question. "Squall put up much less of a fight than I expected him to."
When you were dealing with Squall, you had to budget in those kind of things, yes.
//I think I can manage that in half an hour. Less, if I just check th'Holiday Grove to see if they have costumes there...//
Her rambling was costing him time, so instead she shoo'd him with her hands.
"Go," she said. "I wanna see it, when you get back."
Half an hour, after all, was plenty of time on an island as small as this one.
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