Trooper Station, Thursday (September 30)

Oct 01, 2010 02:24

Reese was drinking tea. This could account for the unicorn things she's seeing now. The sparkling unicorn. She stared at her cup, blinked and looked at the unicorn. Nope, still there.

"You're so nice," the unicorn gushed. It had done nothing but compliment her and Reese was getting a little uncomfortable with the attention. "And so bravely stoic."

"How do you know I'm brave?"

"Because you're a police officer! Police officers are brave!"

"I'm a detective."

"Even better!"

"Uh, do you need anything?"

The unicorn shook its head, "No~pe."

"Is there a reason you're here?" Reese asked.

"I'm here to see you in action!"

"I'm only going to do paperwork."

"Yay, paperwork!"

Reese looked around and saw the Troopers were also busy talking to or listening to the unicorns compliment them. Some were even letting the unicorns get close enough to nuzzle them. "You're not going to suddenly turn into a ravening beast, are you?"

"I don't think so but I bet you can defeat me with your great police skills!" Its enthusiasm was a little disturbing. "Can I watch you work? I've always wanted to see a detective in action!"

"I'm just going to do paperwork," she said, wondering why she's repeating something she already said.

"Yay, paperwork!"

Reese stared at the unicorn. "Maybe I should stick with coffee."

"Yay, coffee!"

(Open station is open!)

dani reese, trooper station

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