Sep 20, 2010 04:49
Medusalith still didn't really get the whole 'art for money' thing she'd gotten herself into, but she had to say that being surrounded by beautiful things all day was a far, far better prospect than tracking down Lockjaw and giving him the bath she was quite sure he desperately needed after that thing with the fish on Friday. She'd wisely stayed in, as she had no desire to try to scrub fish out of her hair. Lockjaw, on the other hand, didn't know the meaning of 'wise.'
He probably wasn't even on the island, which would complicate matters immensely. Perhaps she could get away with pretending she'd thought the whole thing was Blackagar's problem. Probably not, though.
So, really, on the whole she was absolutely thrilled to be at work today, and the gallery was open.
fourth dimension,
blackagar boltagon,
medusalith amaquelin