Groovy Tunes, Friday 16

Jul 16, 2010 10:11

Del was feeling a little restless on her first day at work, and weirdly enough, it wasn't because of the job, no; she felt like she needed to be somewhere else. Maybe she could send some fishies to look for Dream? She wasn't sure she could pick up his presence of the island, mainly because it had never occurred to her that the Endless could do that -and since they had the sigils for a reason, the youngest Endless had forgotten that fact-. But she had to stay put and do her job. Delirium working would usually imply her chasing very visible music notes at the back of the store, but not today. Today she was bouncing behind the corner, looking at the door unsure of what to expect. She could totally leave a fishie on charge, they were so smart!

And yet she doubted the fishie would be able to give change to the costumes.

All in all, Groovy Tunes was open.

[Open store is open, but interactions would happen after Del/Didi/Dream interaction~]

didi, groovy tunes, delirium

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