Trooper Station; Monday [ 05/03 ].

May 03, 2010 17:18

Angua, Ralph, and a few of the other troopers had come to the conclusion that paperwork had a much better use: providing the ball for a nice, rousing game of Modified for the Office Baseball. They wadded up nicely and the billy clubs made for excellent bats. Right in front of Angua's desk was going to be home plate; the coffee maker, water cooler, and copy machine were the bases.

And Angua really had quite a knack for snagging balls out of the air when they were hit. She didn't even catch them with her mouth, either.

"Ha! Third out! I'm up; lemme show you boys how it's really done. Again."

[[ open station is open; guess who's got two thumbs and was working on little league teams and equipment inventory at work all day?? ]]

delphine angua von überwald, trooper station

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