The Onsen; Tuesday Noonish. [ 04/27 ].

Apr 27, 2010 09:17

This...was completely unprecidented. Why anyone in their right mind would actually go somewhere to take a...B.A.T.H. completely went beyond Angua, and here she was, going utterly and completely against nature.

Call it shock therapy. After being a pup and eating meat all weekend and the pull of the full moon tomorrow driving her mad, she needed to force herself to do something so utterly, incomprehensibly human that maybe, just maybe, she could have a few moments of peace. She'd taken an early lunch for this; she couldn't focus worth a damn, especially since the squirrels seemed particularly keen on dashing by her window this morning.

Maybe if she just pretended it was just a big, really warm, perfumed lake.

She stuck in a toe. She stuck out the toe.

"Good grief," she muttered to herself. She was just going to have to jump in at this point. Or just declare the whole thing ridiculous, and go have a nice raw steak instead.

[[ or maybe I just wanted to gratuitously use my bathtub icon. Oooopen! ]]

delphine angua von überwald, onsen

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