Mar 13, 2010 19:49
If anyone was around, they would have seen a familiar looking truck pulling into the parking lot by the causeway that night.
The driver that stepped out, however, would only look somewhat familiar. For Fred Dukes, he'd spent nine months teaching at that stupid Xavier's school. And after nine months, he'd had enough. The satisfied feeling of doing something good for his own kind had worn off when it seemed like his own kind didn't care. Hell, he knew all the nicknames the kids circulated. The 'Blob' nickname had circulated the first few months, but once his diet and workout regimen had started putting a big dent in his weight. There'd been a particularly crass nickname after that, with kids forming their own stupid ideas as to how he could possibly manage to lose such weight.
He liked that one less than 'Blob'.
The ingratitude, combined with Chuckles Xavier's hippie-commune like sensibilities (at least in Fred's mind), is what led him to leaving. And with no where else to go, he'd come back to Fandom.
He was in for a bit of a surprise for the whole odd relative-temporality he'd experienced. Not that Fred would even understand words that big.
For now he stood by his car, chewing on some sugar-free gum noisily. Fred J Dukes was back at his fighting weight, all barrel chest and massive biceps. Definitely a far cry from the quarter-ton he'd been before.
[ooc: Open, sure.]
fred j. dukes,
parking lot