A Formerly Abandoned Warehouse in the Warehouse District, Sunday (All Day)

Mar 07, 2010 13:34

Mattie Merrill wasn't that go with the flow that she'd taken it completely in stride when she woke up yesterday morning in a dorm room that was (as later exploration had proved) on an island off the coast of Maryland. She was, however, not one to turn down an opportunity for a good scam chance to help people out, and with everyone freaking out over who they were or who other people were, the plan at least in the short term had been obvious: set up shop in town.

So she'd spent most of yesterday finding herself a suitable base of operations and getting the atmosphere in the counseling room just right. (Don't ask how she managed that in one day. Just don't.) The waiting room was set up comfortably, too, with couches and mood lamps and the appropriate kind of soothing Enya-type music.

A copy of her diploma (from the Buffalo Springs Medical Academy, which was a fully accredited school, thank you very much) was displayed prominently on the wall behind the vacant receptionist's desk, and above the door to the counseling room was a large placard reading WELCOME TO WHO YOU USED TO BE.

The door was open, the past-lives counselor was in, and hopefully there was a profit to be made here.

[OOC: OCD is up, post is open, Gabrielle is Mattie the scam artist past-lives counselor from the X:WP fourth season clip show "Deja Vu All Over Again." Yeah, clip show, but I kinda love what this series did with 'em.

ETA: I should probably put up a warning for unexpected possible bouts of SP; my cold decided to take a turn for the epic and I might fall asleep. :/]

warehouse, gabrielle of poteidaia, joan girardi

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