The Docks, Friday

Jan 22, 2010 11:58

Jack arrived at his boat to find it... occupied. By a cute little furball-type thing. It didn't seem to be doing any harm, so he let it run around while he set out his sign on the dock, which read:

Captain Jack's Wild Ride
From the water, the island looks less crazy!

Then he set up his chair, got a beer, and dropped a line in the water.

Eventually, he noticed it watching him with those big, adorable eyes. "Do you mind?" he asked. "I'm fishing."

"Fitch-in?" The creature made cute little grabby-paws gestures at Jack's fishing rod.

"Yeah, fishing. Why, you want to fish, too?"

After a little bit of back-and-forth, Jack ended up grudgingly tying a line to a wooden dowel he found and perching the little fuzzy on the side of the boat so it could fish, too.

docks, jack o'neill

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