The Docks, Saturday

Oct 24, 2009 10:59

Jack emerged from the Homer's cabin a little groggily, flopped into his chair, and stared up at the sky. Apparently, he'd spent an entire WEEK as a LITTLE TEAPOT. Oh, he bet THAT had played well on the radio. Later, when he found out it hadn't even been mentioned because his mun's retconning like a mad fiend, he'd be disappointed. For right now ( Read more... )

docks, jack o'neill

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asgardcreated October 24 2009, 20:06:49 UTC
Jon wandered up to the boat, cupcake in hand and called out when he saw the sign.

"What if I'm just bringing food, old man?"


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 00:43:35 UTC
"Then you don't have to pay to charter the damn boat," Jack replied with a grin. "I, uh... I didn't get you anything for your birthday. Want a beer?"


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 18:33:58 UTC
"Beer sounds great. So, anyone interesting in town?" Jon thought that there might be a Carter around, but he hadn't run into her yet.


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 18:38:52 UTC
"It's Fandom," Jack pointed out. "Everyone's interesting." He shrugged. "Believe it or not, there's actually a young Carter running around today -- she stopped by earlier. Apparently, it's the school's Homecoming?"


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 19:27:34 UTC
"Yep. Claire and I skipped the dance last night, but I'm going to head over to carnival here shortly." He grinned and looked just a bit too happy. "I was wondering if she was going to show up. Apparently she's friends with one of the professors I had over the summer."


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 20:23:54 UTC
Jack eyed the boy. "Did you at least use protection when you 'skipped' the dance?" he asked warily. "...Never mind. I don't WANT to know. Yeah, Carter said she was a former student, or something. This place just likes screwing with people."


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 20:31:58 UTC
There was a barely-covered-by-a-cough laugh and then Jon shrugged. "She's got Homecoming issues. Of the 'some psycho cut off my co-captain's head at last year's game' variety. So, we skipped the dance and watched stupid television."

He couldn't see Carter being friends with Anakin, at all. "It does. At least we haven't had the bad version of fun yet."


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 20:56:36 UTC
Jack raised his eyebrows. "Wow... You know, with all the crazy things we deal with, I forgot that normal people with normal lives can have crazy problems, too."


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 21:00:11 UTC
"I've come to the conclusion that no one here is normal. It's just not possible."


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 21:17:21 UTC
"Not NORMAL normal, no," Jack countered, "but psycho killers is a hell of a lot more 'normal' than saving the universe from aliens. ...Not that I'd trade, 'cause I wouldn't."


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 21:20:38 UTC
"Did I mention that the guy was cutting heads open with some sort of telekinesis to steal powers?" Because, that was not normal.

"I like the aliens. No one gets upset when you kill the bad ones." Stupid laws.


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 21:34:50 UTC
Jack blinked. "Telekinesis, seriously? Okay, maybe you're right -- nobody's normal, here."


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 21:42:24 UTC
Jon reached for his cellphone and hit a few buttons before holding it out. "Can you repeat that? The part about me being right."


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 21:45:12 UTC
Jack looked at the phone, shrugged, and leaned in close to it. Very clearly, he enunciated for the recording, "No."


asgardcreated October 25 2009, 21:49:15 UTC
He laughed as he put the phone away. "Can't blame a guy for trying."


nofishinmypond October 25 2009, 22:00:22 UTC
"You know, if you think about it," Jack pointed out, "you and me ought to be right more or less the same amount of the time. ...Well, me a little more, because I've got a few years experience on you."


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