It had been a few months, but it was time again. Workers had pulled together to put up some booths around the park, while picnic tables were dusted off and extra seats put down. Finally, they busied themselves over the banner, hanging it between two trees, announcing to all and sundry that the market... was back in session.
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It was actually a rather tame display for Decadent Delights, but that didn't mean the goddess couldn't zap up something rather wild if you asked for it.
"Now this," he told the lovely woman who seemed to be working there, "all looks like the ingredients for a good time."
"Oh, I totally agree. Having a good time is what Dite's Decadent Delights is all about!" The goddess of love bounced forward and held out her hand. "I'm 'Dite. Are you new to our little island?"
Instead of crimson, the black leather coat had subtle shadings of a dark purple from the shoulders down the arms, beginning as a thin line and slowly flaring out at the cuffs. The same dark purple shading circled the waist of the jacket in an undulating ribbon and the neck had a Mandarin style snap.
"Now, I've always liked the subtle shades of this jacket, but when you told me your name, this is the reason it came to mind." She pointed to a small patch on the left side of the jacket, where a small purple spider had been carefully sewn in. His eyes had been done in red thread.
"What d'you think?"
He spun. "What do you think?"
"I think you found your new color. Red's nice, but in purple, you're a prince." She winked at him.
Spider laughed. "I'll have to start wearing more purple. Can't hurt to pass as royalty."
Closing the jar, she reached for a sampler bottle of the body oil. "So, if you use the chocolate as a base, you can keep that subtle scent and mix it with others. Like this." Holding out a hand for Sophie's, she looked up with a smile. "May I?"
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