If it wasn't one thing, it was the other, jeez oh man. Rachel was learning the consequences of her ne'er-do-well attitude toward work yesterday. She'd reasoned with herself that she'd done a helluva good job on Wednesday and refused to lift a finger all day yesterday, enjoying her productivity with delicious baked goods that wasn't going to do her a lick of good; she could eat fifty of them and still not have enough hips on her, if you asked her. But then Saturday came around and several of the lights in the lobby seemed to have burnt out. Which meant they needed changing.
It was with a disparaging, world-weary sigh that Rachel realized, without hired help or husband, she had to change the bulbs herself. It was quite a colorful rant that followed, with at least five different sarcastic product slogans thrown in as she went to the Holo...Holo...Holo-Whatever-Ribbed-For-Her-Displeasure had called it to pull out the ladder she had in storage there, kicked off her cute little heels, and climbed her way up to change the bulbs. She hoped she didn't get a nosebleed. She was just so delicate sometimes that such great heights made her a little woozy.
[[ open lobby is open, and my impending SP shuns the OCD for the day! MCA Info is
here! ]]