Our Lady of Fandom, Thursday

Aug 06, 2009 11:32

It was Castiel's third sermon, and, no, he still had no idea what he was doing.

But at least it wasn't singing, and it seemed to have a distinct lack of sex toys involved.

"I would like to say a few words, today," he began, "about free will."

It was possible that what followed didn't even make sense to him. It seemed, in fact, to be a prolonged question regarding free will and destiny, and how it sometimes seems like you're in control of events when in fact what you think will give you control actually ends up opening the doors to Hell and allowing Lucifer to walk free and bring about the apocalypse, interspersed with the point that if angels and demons, unlike humans, didn't have free will, then there'd be no room for doubt -- unless it's mysterious, ineffable, pre-ordained doubt, in which case, it's not Castiel's fault that he decided Zachariah is full of shit and went with the Winchesters, it was what he was created to do all along. . . .

But he digressed.

Anyway, he told his congregation, they should be happy, because they had free will, definitely, for sure. They could choose whether they wanted to walk the path of the righteous or the wicked. On the other hand, they had even less proof of what was righteous or wicked than angels and demons had, which must make their choices kind of really hard, when you think about it, and they had destiny working against them, too, so who was to really say they actually had free will at all, except for possibly God, who, honestly, Castiel hadn't heard much of a peep out of for the last century or so, not that he ever heard much from God in the first place but that wasn't the point.

The point was . . . the point was . . . the point was that angels couldn't invent ladders. Yes. That was the point.

[ooc: small OCD a-comin' is up, and we're open for business!]

chuck bass, francine peters, temperance brennan, castiel, arthur pendragon, sam winchester, church

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