Morgan's Hardware - Monday, 07/20

Jul 20, 2009 10:01

Morgan was back from his case to open the store Monday, not that he looked like he should be doing anything but sitting in bed and recuperating.

Suffice to say, Montana (and a particular rocky incline there) had not been kind to him this time around.

So despite bruises and bumps, a few still-healing cuts and a very uncomfortable scratch from a shelf of rock along his arm, the handyman was in. The store needed to be open and Morgan needed to be there to accept the shipment of purpleheart wood he'd ordered, which wasn't to say he'd hadn't downed what felt like half a bottle of Tylenol this morning. Hopefully, the day would be kind to him.

Morgan's Hardware and Repair
Home improvement supplies - Plumbing - Electrical Work
Painting - Custom Carpentry - Installation
Now Hiring! -- 10% off all purpleheart wood today!
The store was open. [and the ocd was up!]

derek morgan, morgan's hardware

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