It was a pretty bloody good thing that a patrol was on the agenda for the day, because it was looking pretty bloody needed. With more excrement in her hair than she would ever like to admit to and having heard some insults that bested some of the drunkest London party girls, Daisy was not even going to harp on Kowalski anymore about going on and
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Ray peered out at harpies. "Yeah, I got standards."
She was noticing that they moved in quick, snapping in her ammo succinctly. She realized that bargaining with them was useless; this called for more direct methods of crowd control, and, besides, not even Daisy's sense of justice could rationalize wanting one of those in a cell where they could all hear...and "How many are filling in?"
He was going to go with monstercide. "Five on one, four on the other," he said, "You snatch 'em up, right wing, I'll..." he jabbed a finger at the left group. "One minute."
She'd been repeating it in her head all day. It was a mantra by now.
Daisy nodded, accidentally breathed through her nose again, and turned a little green.
"Squeeze your nose shut," Ray advised. He fumbled to get his glasses on. "Okay. We got inbound--"
He held up his hand, then dropped it. "Go, go, go." He hated this island. So much.
And, crap, was that one winking at him? "Oh, hell no," he muttered, "I did not come this far to be hit on by a harpy."
Crap, crap, fuck, crap.
She clocked one of them in the face with the butt of her gun before calling out, "Back in!" and starting to shift back to their cover.
He slammed a foot at the harpy - okay, gunk, he was gonna need a shower - which put it off for a minute. Minute was all he needed. Ray was fast, Ray was goin', Ray's back was hitting the wall. "Have I mentioned lately how much I hate this damn island?!"
"Where did these things come from, anyway?"
Because, seriously, they looked like-- "Look like something came from a mutated trashcan like in a horror movie," Ray opined, ducking his head a little because he did not like the feeling of something leering at him.
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