Nov 09, 2005 20:50
Near the egde of town, right near the water, a rather shady looking structure that's too big to be a shed and too small to be a warehouse has gone up, with what looks like a stand of the sort used to sell lemonade or cheap psychiatric help stuck on the front. A large handpainted sign on the front of the building proclaims it to be 'Fly By Night Air Transport'. Indeed, there is a small pontoon biplane floating placidly at the end of a long floating dock, which is currently being unloaded by short stout figure in a bomber jacket, a captain's hat perched on his head at rather a rakish angle. Ivanova is hauling crates and boxes to the doors of the warehouse, propped open by a pile of concrete bricks.
"So let me get this straight," Jack says, straightening and cracking his back as Ivanova bounces down the dock. "You are the daughter of that family that I helped get over the border ten years ago . . ."
"Many times removed great-granddaughter," Ivanova corrects him, grinning. "Trust me, we still remember you. And don't worry about the time thing -"
He shakes his head. "You're going to say it again."
"- you'll get used to it," she finishes. "Just think of me as an old family friend."
"Hey, I can always do with more of those!" Jack beams jovially. "Now stop slacking, employee-mine! We've got a business to get off the ground."
Ivanova rolls her eyes as she flings a mesh bag of signal flags and other bits of cloth over her shoulder and starts back down the dock. "The movie theatre or the restaurant I could have worked at, but nooo, I have to work for the joker in the funny hat."
"Hey, I heard that!"
[[Come say hi. Or, y'know, help Ivanova unpack. Modded with permission and all that.]]