The York Gallery; Wednesday [ 07/02 ]

Jul 02, 2008 08:08

Charlotte was in the excellent sort of mood today where you sometimes stopped and realized that you were humming, but she just went right ahead and kept on humming, because sometimes humming was okay, and she figured that if right now wasn't the sort of day where humming was okay, then no day ever way, and her whole world of logic and reasoning might as well crash down into a burning, blackened rubble of uselessness.

But it was, and it didn't, so there. Humming.

She was also wondering if anyone would notice if she closed the gallery a little early tonight so that she could catch a bit of Mary's birthday party, even if just thinking about birthdays now that it was July almost put an end to her humming. Almost. Either way, they were a good reason to have a party, and it wasn't like they were very very busy on a Wednesday, although, she had to admit, the current exhibit really never got old.

The York Gallery is open!

york gallery, charlotte york

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