Pizza Planet, Thursday

Feb 14, 2008 07:24

Showing up and going about the business of opening the store Makoto, in his girl-guise of course, eyed the video games thoughtfully before shaking his head. He couldn't play the games every time he worked. That wouldn't be very professional.

Today, instead, he decided to occupy himself with plotting out more of his country for Professor Yondaime's class tomorrow.

The fact that it was Valentine's Day barely registered on him, but for what he picked as a special. It wasn't like he could do anything in his situation. That would just be... be weird.

Today's Special
Bumpy Lane
(Chocolate spread, coconut, roasted peanuts, raspberry lollies, marshmallows, chocolate buttons. Drizzled with chocolate sauce.)

Pizza Planet is Open.

pizza planet, tom scavo, amano makoto

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