Caritas - Friday evening [Open]

Oct 19, 2007 19:04

When GOB opened up Caritas tonight, he was surprised to find a visitor right away. "Michael! What are you doing here?"

"Hey, GOB. I'm actually here to talk to you about something," Michael said.

"I have NEVER served George Michael any alcohol," GOB said immediately.

"Why did both of you tell me th--"

GOB hopped up on the bar and swiveled himself off on the other side, where he grabbed Michael's arm. "Nevermind. Let's get a table. Tino! You're running the bar! Tino, this is Michael, Michael, this is the useless help. And those are zombies."

[OOC: Yeah, this is a Tino night. If you want to talk to GOB or Michael, he'll be in the Lounge.]

gob bluth, caritas

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