The Arms Hotel Lobby, Saturday

Sep 01, 2007 09:42

Mary wasn't sure if anyone would be coming by for afternoon tea today, but she still set up anyway. Rather, she sat down and read through her mail while Gunther and his faithful sous chef set up for afternoon tea. After that little incident with the milk pitcher, Mary wasn't taking any chances.

There was an envelope from Las Vegas today. Mary eagerly tore it open to find an information packet about a conference held by a hotel industry trade association. Samantha Marquez had included her own note: "Mary, I'm going to this! It's in Washington D.C. next weekend. You have to come too!"

Mary squealed and started dancing around the lobby. "Gunther, I'm going to see Sam next weekend!" she yelled to the chef, who grinned when he heard the news.

Welcome to the Arms Hotel!
Join us for afternoon tea!

( Menu)

[Open! I will be AFK from 2 PM until about 11 PM EDT because of work.]

mary connell, arms hotel, stanley keyworth

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