Aug 03, 2007 01:02
Drax looked miserable.
That probably had something to do with the fact that he was standing under a banner that said "Fandom Chocolate Festival."
Or something to do with the fact that he was in the park, surrounded by chocolate sculptures.
Or the fact that there were weetiny chocolate bunnies scampering around.
More than likely, it was the fact that his regular leather pants needed to be washed and the only other clothes he could find were a pair of lederhosen that the previous dean left behind in the garage at 33 Apocalypse.
[OOC: Please don't ask me to explain my brain. There's chocolate all over the park. You can get bars of it or just take it from the sculptures and stuff.
Weather is modded so that we will not have isolated thunderstorms around the park, but the upper 90 degree weather will continue, which spells doom for the chocolate. Even the bunnies. Mwahaha. No, seriously, don't ask me about my brain.]
friday events,