The Park: EarlyThursday Night

Jul 05, 2007 18:59

Raph wasn't about to leave Mikey without any really good exercise, so he headed to the park, and down to the duck pond so the little guy could get in a good swim.

Pools had chlorine, the ocean probably had way too much salt for a tiny turtle, and hell if he wanted to kill his little brother on accident. He had to face facts; Raphael knew absolutely zilch about caring for a non-mutated turtle.

The one thing he did know about turtles? They liked water, and other than sea turtles (which little Mikey most certainly was not), it had to be fresh water. Or at least marginally fresh, since the duck pond was... well, not something you'd want to drink, he was pretty sure.

Raph found a relatively safe, clear spot where he could watch Mikey, then set him down on the shore. He could decide if he wanted to swim or not. Raph just thought he deserved the option.

[OOC: Open, of course! It's a free park. Seeing as it's summertime, there might even be a little light left! :3 Feel free to bother the grumpy turtle!]

raphael, park

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