Still focused on making sure she wasn't followed out of the woods, Isabel wasn't really paying attention to what was in front of her. Startled, she whipped her head back to focus on what was in front of her, ready to send whoever it was flying if she had to.
"Peter?" It took a moment for that to sink in, but when it did, Isabel lowered her hand and instead gripped her injured arm which was finally making itself felt. If something came at them, she was pretty sure Peter could handle defense.
"Knife...woods...goddamn horror movie," she said, her voice shaking just a bit. Isabel was still turning to watch the woods, still worried about what was going to come out after them.
"Back in the preserve, halfway to the camp. I thought someone was playing a joke." She pulled her hand away from her arm and bit her lip at the sight of blood. "My arm. I don't think a band-aid's going to work."
Now Peter really looked concerned. He went to look at the injury, angling his flashlight so that he could see it better. "Don't suppose you've got healing abilities I could borrow?"
"Looks like you're stuck with my first aid then," Peter said. He used a hankerchief to quickly take care of the wound. "Nothing fancy. Just something to hold you until we can get to the clinic."
"Thanks," she said, still looking around warily. "I never thought I'd say this? Because god, I hate doctors with a passion. But let's go. I want to get out of the open."
Despite being in town, Isabel couldn't help checking behind them several times as they made their way to the clinic.
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