Café Fina, Thursday

May 03, 2007 05:30

Lumiere grimaced in chagrin at the cakes that the kitchen staff had made today.
Made, but couldn't cut.
These were some heavy-duty cakes. And there were many of them, in fun and fantastic shapes and sizes- blocks, zigzags, l-shapes, and lines. And they couldn't be sold as food.

It's fortunate that the cheesegrater was playing video games earlier that morning.

Today's Specials Board Reads:
Drop the block cakes in the proper configuration to the new wine cellar, help us build a staircase, get a free meal and a layered jelly shot!

It was basically cheap labor in exchange for a game of hardcore cake-tetris and some booze.
But heck, free food!

(OCD is up! Thanks go to Jaffy for suggesting the cake blocks and layered shooters!)

cafe fina

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