The Devil's Nest, Friday Night

Jan 13, 2007 01:46

The usual sign was out front, advertising the teacher discount.

Mazikeen stood behind the bar, staring down at it. It was so clean. She could see her face in it. She poured a glass of wine, setting on the bar for a few minutes before 'accidentally' knocking it over. Ah, cleanliness taken care of.

The Devil's Nest was open for business!

devil's nest

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The Dance Floor dawn_bearer January 13 2007, 01:49:29 UTC
Even the dance floor was freakishly clean. How did Neil manage that?


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 05:39:43 UTC
After a rather awkward conversation with Wilson, Marie and Jamie headed out to the dance floor. Marie just hoped she could dance in her leather.

"Well, I think we definitely achieved the 'something no one would expect from us' thing," she commented.


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 05:42:08 UTC
"Really? I didn't get that," Jamie teased. "I think he was checking out my legs."

Jamie slipped his arms around Marie's waist. "Is it okay if I lead? Even if I wear a dress?"


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 05:43:09 UTC
"EW don't say stuff like that," Marie said, thwapping Jamie's shoulder before wrapping her arms around his neck. "And yes, you can lead."


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 05:44:13 UTC
"What? You think my legs are hideous, don't you?" Jamie teased. "I should have worn a longer skirt."


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 05:46:21 UTC
"Your legs are just fine," Marie assured him. "But I'm the only one allowed to check them out."


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 05:49:39 UTC
"Well now Miss D'Ancanto," Jamie grinned as he leaned in for a kiss. "You sound like someone who has been checking me out."


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 05:55:26 UTC
Marie kissed Jamie quickly. "Girlfriend's perogative," she said. "Not like you haven't been checking out my ass in leather all night."


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 05:56:56 UTC
Jamie smiled, feeling a little bit lightheaded. "Boyfriend's perogative. Plus you look good. Really good. Awesome, actually."


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 05:58:09 UTC
Why yes, that was a faint blush on Marie's cheeks. "It's not uncomfortable," she admitted. "Just a little stiff."


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 06:00:36 UTC
Jamie choked down his first response to her statement. Instead he tries to see if he can go for a serious blush. "It's very hard to keep my eyes off that outfit."


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 06:04:28 UTC
Considering how many times Marie has absorbed Jamie's thoughts with her power, she has a pretty good idea of what he's thinking and yes, her blush deepens. "So I gathered," she said, striving for a non-chalant tone.


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 06:09:55 UTC
Jamie's hand might have slipped down at that moment to a leather clad portion of Marie's anatomy that he had been looking at all night.

"It's hard to keep my hands of too," he grinned.


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 06:12:44 UTC
And there would be that serious blush.

"Jamie!" Marie hissed, looking nervously over her shoulder and hoping that Wilson and Phale weren't paying attention.


Re: The Dance Floor multi_madrox January 13 2007, 06:14:27 UTC
Jamie smiled and reluctantly moved his hands back up to her waist. "I'm sorry. I just wanted you to know I appreciate your assets as well as your mind."


Re: The Dance Floor untouchableskin January 13 2007, 06:15:29 UTC
"I think I'd rather be appreciated for my mind," Marie admitted. "I appreciate you for yours, even when it's a little cracked out."


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